Proton global is a NGO founded to increase the wellness and health of animals world wide, we are aiming to provide the rural areas of developing countries with access to donation based fundraising. give more then you have and take less then you need. life is better with animals

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A contribution from you, no matter the amount, will make a big difference in the life of a sick, injured or abused animal. Donations to the Proton Global NGO® support the charitable work done by our dedicated veterinarians on behalf of pets and their loving owners. You can donate to help support the work of PG in developing countries, or you can donate to the AVMF Annual Fund to help support our activities, including animal welfare, education, research, and community service.




A contribution from you, no matter the amount, will make a big difference in the life of a sick, injured or abused animal. Donations to the Proton Global NGO® support the charitable work done by our dedicated veterinarians on behalf of pets and their loving owners. You can donate to help support the work of PG in developing countries, or you can donate to the AVMF Annual Fund to help support our activities, including animal welfare, education, research, and community service.




A contribution from you, no matter the amount, will make a big difference in the life of a sick, injured or abused animal. Donations to the Proton Global NGO® support the charitable work done by our dedicated veterinarians on behalf of pets and their loving owners. You can donate to help support the work of PG in developing countries, or you can donate to the AVMF Annual Fund to help support our activities, including animal welfare, education, research, and community service.




A contribution from you, no matter the amount, will make a big difference in the life of a sick, injured or abused animal. Donations to the Proton Global NGO® support the charitable work done by our dedicated veterinarians on behalf of pets and their loving owners. You can donate to help support the work of PG in developing countries, or you can donate to the AVMF Annual Fund to help support our activities, including animal welfare, education, research, and community service.